Experimentando un poco, decidí sustituir completamente la harina de pan por harina integral, en la receta de la chapata, el resultado muy bueno, la textura es completamente distinta, pero es muy rico, excelente para picar con algunos quesos o agregar un salmón ahumado.
-500 Gr Harina Integral
-450 Gr Agua
-30 Gr Aceite de oliva
-10 Gr sal
-7 gr Levadura
-2 cucharadas de linaza y un poco mas para decorar.
-1 cdta de semillas de sésamo para decorar.
Colocar todos los ingredientes en la batidora y mezclar 1 minuto en 1era velocidad, luego subir a velocidad más rápida y esperar que la masa de despegue de las paredes del bowl. (Aproximadamente 10 minutos o mas).
Colocar la masa en un envase bien engrasado con manteca o aceite (yo uso spray) Tapar y poner en el horno apagado hasta que crezca suficientemente, yo lo dejé por 4 horas, no crece igual que la harina normal.
Luego lo vas a colocar muy sutilmente en un meson bien enharinado y enharinar por encima.
Precalentar el horno a 500 °Grados F.
Corta las piezas con cuidado y coloca en una bandeja engrasada y enharinada.
Cuando el horno este listo, introduce el pan y mete una ollita con agua a fin de generar vapor, también puedes usar un spray de agua, esto ayuda a crear corteza.
Hornea el hasta que este dorado.
Bon Appetite!!!
The Ciabatta is a delicious bread with big holes, it is not as old as I would have thought, since it originated in Verona, Italy, in 1982, in a factory in Adria, a town near Venice, where a small group of experts Millers, including Arnaldo Cavallari, for many years, saw how baguette was imported from France on a large scale, which threatened to monopolize the market in Italy. After testing for weeks, mixing dough, baking, refining and adapting to regional breads, using their own gluten-rich flour, “Cavallari finally achieved an original Italian bread and delicate snack. He called it Ciabatta Polesano. It was hailed as the bread that saved Italy, and shook the sandwich world … ”
And you have tried the ciabatta ?? If you haven’t done, i invite you to prepare it, if you do not have patience, better go to a good bakery and buy it; in Europe, and cities as NY, are good ones, but if you
Recipe and procedure for Ciabatta bread.-
-whole wheat flour 500 gr
-Water 450
– Olive oil 30
-Sal 10
-yeast 7 gr
-2 teaspoons linseed
Place all the ingredients in the blender and mix 1 minute in 1st speed, then go up to speed 4 and wait for the dough to take off from the walls of the bowl, an then add the linseeds (Approximately 8 minutes).
Place the dough in a well greased plastic container with oil. Cover and put in the oven off until it triples its size.
To overturn very subtly in a meson well floured and to flour on top.
Preheat the oven to 500 ° F.
Cut the pieces very subtly and place in a greased and floured tray.
When the oven is ready.
Bake until golden brown.
Bon Appetite !!!
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